Blog Post #14 Stresswork

Homework is a main part of most teachers grades for non major grades rely on homework. While homework can help students practice for tests in some teachers point of view, but for the students, homework is seen as unnecessary and stressful. I cannot tell you the amount of hours I have spent on homework that will end up being worthless when it comes time to taking a test.

I feel that homework can be a good option for student practice. However the problem with it is that the amount of homework given after roughly a eight hour school day is two much. Personally, I spend around three to four hours a night doing homework. That is too much. Most of this is for test practice but when I have multiple classes assigning a significant amount of homework for tests that are at different times is stressful. For me, the reason why I do poorly on tests isn’t the fact that I don’t know the information, it is the fact that I feel a little bit overwhelmed and when I try to remember all the different things to answer one question I often forget. My mind just blanks out.

I believe that homework should still exist for most classes but as an option for extra practice. Notes for a class and generally paying attention during class is enough for me to do well in the class or a test. Sometimes homework does help me study for a test but most of the time it does nothing to help me. In conclusion, the solution for homework is that it should be left as an option for extra practice if a student wants to do it.  This solution would work well for students who hate homework and students who like the idea of homework.

Blog Post #13 Essays

I was not successful with this past essay over a rhetorical analysis over the film The Shawshank Redemption and the speech given by Red. The reason why I was not is because I failed to state why the speech was effective for it was his speech that granted him parole. I still received a 5 plus for my work so I still had my strengths shown in my work

Some of those strengths being that I can go into detail about the topic I am writing about. That topic might not be the exact same if what the prompt was asking but I can still detail it like it is. My weakness are writing about the same topic and and addressing what the topic was about head on. I feel like I put in a lot of effort in my essays over some more than others. I put moderate work on this one compared to others due to having other projects that had me scrambling. These are things that effect me when writing an out of class essay. I feel like I’m a better writer for in class essays. I feel like the expectations of the quality of writing are a little bit lower for an in class essay and I feel like I have the same quality for both in class and out of class essays.

Blog Post #12 Tringry, The Latest Word

Language is a way communicating a persons thoughts and emotions. In the English language there are many different words to describe what someone is thinking or their emotion at that moment. Some of these words are ashamed, extravagant, vibrant, and startled. However there is not a word for someone who is feeling tired and hungry at the same time. There are multiple words for someone who is tired like exhausted or fatigued, and for someone who is hungry like famished or starved.

I have a solution to that, the word for someone who is tired and hungry, and that word would be tringry.

An example for the word would be when someone has just done a hard workout from their respective sport or activity, or someone who just came home after a long day of work. That person is going to be tired and most likely going to hungry. If that person is going to describe their predicament, they would have to use multiple words like, “man I’m feeling tired and hungry or I’m feeling exhausted or famished”. Instead they would say,”man I am tringry”. Another example is when someone just ate and took a nap and they want to say something that would describe their relief. They would have to say a sentence with another sentence just to describe one feeling. Instead all they would have to say is,”I just went over my tringry sensation”. This word would be used for many more things but it could also help simplify a description of an emotion.

Blog Post#11 Favorite Commercial

The ad/commercial I watched was the 100 years of football by the National Football League. The purpose of the ad was to celebrate the many years of great moments in football over the past hundred years. As well as look back at past moments from players and legends and showcase future stars and possibly legends. In order to get people to watch the sport.

The intended audience is for everyone, ranging from lifetime fans or people curious about the sport. They do this by showing some of the most famous athletes every to play in the league. Those players being Tom Brady, Saquon Barkley, Von Miller, Peyton Manning, Marshawn Lynch, Terry Bradshaw, Odell Beckham Jr., Baker Mayfield, and as well as many other legends. It attempts to try to get people to watch the league by bringing players that most people know. Either by their play, their ads, their college career, or even memes that have spread across social media.

This ad not only tried to connect to people who are die hard fans of the sport or people who have no clue what the sport is. This ad also tries to lure in people who have turned their backs to the sport. Whether it be from losing interest or political reasons, the NFL wants these people watching again. They try to do this by using legends from the past and doing a slight recreation of famous plays. By doing that, the league hopes those plays will act as a positive past reflection of the sport for people who have stopped watching and will cause them to try and watch the game again.

The National Football League’s ads purpose is to celebrate the history of the league and get people to watch the sport. They do this effectively by showcasing future stars, modern stars, and legends to show all the wonderful people who have played in the league. They also show some of the greatest moments in the league’s history that will get people to reminisce about their version of the good times in hope to get people to try to watch again. The ad shown by the league is effective since they knew their audience and how they will react to the various people watching.

Blog Post #10 Forgotten Holy Man

Today we had an assignment where we had to read about great people that are lost in history. I chose to read about Pope Leo the Great.

Pope Leo the Great was born in the year 400 and died at year 461 at the age of 61. From the start of his early life, Pope Leo was always involved with Christianity.  Throughout his life he was involved with the Roman Catholic church and was a cardinal. He would get his chance to become Pope when Pope Sixtus III died in the year 440. ( He was one of the main choices and roughly a month later he was chosen as pope.

Pope Leo’s time as pope was lost in history but it is one of the most important in the church’s history. He was also the first pope to be called great for an important reason. ( During the time Pope Leo was pope, the roman empire was coming to the end and the main cause was the attacking tribes. One of those tribes lead by Atilla the Hun, have never been stopped. In the year 452, that would change. Pope Leo confronted the invading Atilla and met with him. He was able to convince Atilla not to attack and turn away. ( The Pope had done what could not be done and with no army. This is what I found interesting about Pope Leo the Great.

Blog Post #9 The Highs and Lows

This semester has had its up and downs, but for me, thankfully it has been mostly positive. I have been able to manage my time well this semester and have always done at least 30 minutes of studying each night. My grades have not really improved numerically  when compared to my blow off classes from last year. However the amount of effort I have to do in order to maintain the same grade point average, is what I am proud of. I hope that I am able to keep up with this effort the entire semester and even the rest of student career.

However some of the downs were that I have definitely lost significant amount of sleep when compared to last year. I also have had a worse math grade than last year even though this semesters class is basically my class last year. I also had a disappointing cross country season this year when compared to last. This year I made varsity and I got cocky from being consistent at the meets. I thought that I was going to be varsity the entire year. However, the last two meets I had asthma attacks and one of those meets was districts. At districts I was demoted to junior varsity as well and with that attack I was demoted to third alternate.

Blog Post #8 Triggered

Education is something that everyone should have and a subject in education that everyone should know and experience is literature. It is a concept that everyone can see beauty in whether if most people agree or disagree with your stance. However, some forms of education has seem to offensive or “incorrect” to teach to students. No matter what your stance is, education that is “offensive” can still have value that can be taught and be learned from.

In the early 1900’s in America, it was illegal to teach evolution in science/biology classrooms since it was seen as a “disgraceful”, “offensive”, and “incorrect” to teach to god fearing kids. Evolution was a newer theory developed by Charles Darwin, that stated that the earth was much older than people believe and that all forms of life developed from a previous ancestor. This was against creationism at its core. A trial went through and creationism won. Now days it is taught as a unit to freshman in High School. I assume that the law was rewritten many decades ago but one thing of value that came from this is that teaching the theory will give new solution of why humans exist and why we share similar characteristics with other creatures.

Another thing that was seen as offensive and still is now is the novel Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. The reason of why it is seen as offensive is for many reasons. At first it was for the lack of parental authority and how the kids acts like little brats. People wanted the books off shelves since they did want the youth to start acting like Huck. Now days it is seen as offensive for its use of the n-word and how it is extremely racist. The novel itself is an anti racist since in the novel, Huck becomes friends with Jim and even sacrifices his life to help Jim escape. The author himself was also anti racist. The novel has value that can be learned for people that see it as offensive or not offensive is how racism is bad, civilization isn’t always about living in a big city, and leaves us with a rhetorical question about what we do now?



Blog Post #7 Wolverineeee

Stan Lee was one of the greatest comic writers of all time and throughout his long career, created many memorable superheroes and heroines. One of those hero’s being the wolverine. Logan, Weapon X, or mostly known as Wolverine, is my favorite marvel superhero of all time.

The movies that he appeared in were mostly disappointing (excluding wolverine) . They portrayed him as just a weapon and just used him in action scenes, which is still fine with me but I wanted to see a more mature film of him that dove into his story.

This is why Logan, is my favorite marvel comic book movie of all time. The movie jumps into the end of Logan’s story’s and we see him have mutant old man struggles. He lived with professor x and has to travel to Canada to help a young female clone of him escape a group of people who want to use the clones of mutants as agents of war. Towards the middle of the movie, Logan and company help a family get there horses away from the road. They are invited to dinner and reminded of what a real family. Everything seems find until another exact clone of logan attacks leaving only him and x-24 alive. This scene finally shows the other side of wolverine that I have been waiting to see.

The movie also had one of the best endings I have ever seen. It ends with Logan helping the clones escape as well with him dead. Before his death, he shows sacrifice in an awesome action scene that ends with him killing the leader. This action showed that Logan saw x-24 as a daughter. His death put a nice bow on the story of wolverine. I actually had some tears watching this ending. However the best part was when the clones of former x men buried Logan and with a wooden cross. Then x-24 messes with the cross and a close up of the X is shown and the movie cuts to black.

Blog Post #6 The Shrinking

The article that I read is titled The Incredible Shrinking Planet written by Marina Koren

The article first talks about the shrink theory and how scientist believed that the earth had shrunk giving us different land forms but this theory was put off by plate tectonics. The theory would be used for Mercury, in the 1970’s, the space craft Mariner flew around the planet and took pictures. The pictures showed scraps on the surface. We sent another craft called the messenger who took more pictures of the scraps, the scraps were cause by shrinking and from the pictures scientists estimate that Mercury had shrunken 20 kilometers since its creation.

I found this fascinating since I thought that there was no other theory besides plate tectonics to explain why the Earth had it’s various land forms. I had always thought that before the plate tectonics theory that people had just thought that the Earth’s land forms were and act of god or that it was just created like this when the planet was created. What made this article made me think about was that the fact that a theory that was thrown out the window quickly for Earth, that it could be applied to another planet like Mercury. Another thing is that the article stated that around sixty percent of Mercury’s core is liquid. The planet is described as a ball of molten metal with rocks surrounded with a bunch of different rocks. This article made me actually think about the other planets in our solar system. I typically do not care but after reading this article, it made me think for a second.


Image result for mercury

This is who I am Blog Post #5

Even though I have my flaws that haunt me to the ends of the earth. I believe that there is more good and more to be proud of than for me to be disgusted by. Selfless is a word that can describe me, it is something that I try not to brag about.

The reason why I use the word selfless to describe myself is because I like to volunteer with programs that help the need. Those programs being meals on wheels, food bank, Special Olympics, and the food pantry.

I spent my time mostly with meals on wheels. I still volunteer at the place in the summers today. One of my favorite things about the job there is the fact that I get to meet all of the wonderful people old, poor, or young. I have made many temporary friends after meeting them, I take my time when working since I use one of my skills of conversationalist. One of my favorite people I met working is this sweet old lady Bertha. She has two kids who both have three children each. She told me that she used to work at a wood shop business where she met her husband who had passed away ten years before I met her. I told her that I was working at a wood shop as a summer job and this triggered her to tell many stories.

I am proud of myself of being able to meet many different wonderful and sweet people through my various volunteering places. After meeting these different people and hearing their stories through conversation or just by reading their body language or look, it has shaped me and the morals that I have and hope to continue to have. Being able to have these opportunities is something that I believe I am blessed with to have. I hope to continue to meet other people and add their stories to my moral compass which will help me be the best person I can be. This is something that not a lot of people can say but since I am one of those people, I chose to brag about it on this blog post.



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