Blog Post #4 “The Lessons”

This week in class we watched the movie Dead Poets Society. In the beginning the school hires a new English teacher named Mr. Keating. One of the lessons that Mr. Keating teaches them is “Carpe Diem” Latin for seize the day and to live life to the fullest. This lesson draws a connection with Our Town. At the end of Our Town, Emily has passed away. She learns a way to visit past memories and she chooses her twelfth birthday, after experiencing this memory she is haunted by the fact that the living take life for granted. I also have a connection with the word Carpe Diem. When I was ten, I got to go to Washington D.C for vacation. While I was there, I thought everything was boring, as I look back, I realize that there was so much to do. In Dead Poets Society there are two characters that struggle with conformity and individuality. Neil is forced to go to Welton by his father so he could become a doctor. Neil is more interested in acting than he is at being a doctor. His father despises him acting. This conflict lead Neil to commit suicide. Todd is Neil’s roommate and is terrified of public speaking. When Mr. Keating came in to collect his valuables. As he was leaving Todd stands up on his desk and yells, “O’ Captain, My Captain”. Todd is able to fight being conformed and speaks up.  When the boys all stand up on their desk in the final scene, they show their support for Mr. Keating and his lessons he taught them. The message behind this is to always look at life in a different perspective. It also teaches the boys to be individuals and to not follow what everyone else is telling you.


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