Blog Post #10 Forgotten Holy Man

Today we had an assignment where we had to read about great people that are lost in history. I chose to read about Pope Leo the Great.

Pope Leo the Great was born in the year 400 and died at year 461 at the age of 61. From the start of his early life, Pope Leo was always involved with Christianity.  Throughout his life he was involved with the Roman Catholic church and was a cardinal. He would get his chance to become Pope when Pope Sixtus III died in the year 440. ( He was one of the main choices and roughly a month later he was chosen as pope.

Pope Leo’s time as pope was lost in history but it is one of the most important in the church’s history. He was also the first pope to be called great for an important reason. ( During the time Pope Leo was pope, the roman empire was coming to the end and the main cause was the attacking tribes. One of those tribes lead by Atilla the Hun, have never been stopped. In the year 452, that would change. Pope Leo confronted the invading Atilla and met with him. He was able to convince Atilla not to attack and turn away. ( The Pope had done what could not be done and with no army. This is what I found interesting about Pope Leo the Great.

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