Blog Post #12 Tringry, The Latest Word

Language is a way communicating a persons thoughts and emotions. In the English language there are many different words to describe what someone is thinking or their emotion at that moment. Some of these words are ashamed, extravagant, vibrant, and startled. However there is not a word for someone who is feeling tired and hungry at the same time. There are multiple words for someone who is tired like exhausted or fatigued, and for someone who is hungry like famished or starved.

I have a solution to that, the word for someone who is tired and hungry, and that word would be tringry.

An example for the word would be when someone has just done a hard workout from their respective sport or activity, or someone who just came home after a long day of work. That person is going to be tired and most likely going to hungry. If that person is going to describe their predicament, they would have to use multiple words like, “man I’m feeling tired and hungry or I’m feeling exhausted or famished”. Instead they would say,”man I am tringry”. Another example is when someone just ate and took a nap and they want to say something that would describe their relief. They would have to say a sentence with another sentence just to describe one feeling. Instead all they would have to say is,”I just went over my tringry sensation”. This word would be used for many more things but it could also help simplify a description of an emotion.

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