Blog Post #14 Stresswork

Homework is a main part of most teachers grades for non major grades rely on homework. While homework can help students practice for tests in some teachers point of view, but for the students, homework is seen as unnecessary and stressful. I cannot tell you the amount of hours I have spent on homework that will end up being worthless when it comes time to taking a test.

I feel that homework can be a good option for student practice. However the problem with it is that the amount of homework given after roughly a eight hour school day is two much. Personally, I spend around three to four hours a night doing homework. That is too much. Most of this is for test practice but when I have multiple classes assigning a significant amount of homework for tests that are at different times is stressful. For me, the reason why I do poorly on tests isn’t the fact that I don’t know the information, it is the fact that I feel a little bit overwhelmed and when I try to remember all the different things to answer one question I often forget. My mind just blanks out.

I believe that homework should still exist for most classes but as an option for extra practice. Notes for a class and generally paying attention during class is enough for me to do well in the class or a test. Sometimes homework does help me study for a test but most of the time it does nothing to help me. In conclusion, the solution for homework is that it should be left as an option for extra practice if a student wants to do it.  This solution would work well for students who hate homework and students who like the idea of homework.

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