Blog Post #1-The Odyssey of Chris Novosad

I am a student at consol and some of my stronger subjects are math and history. I struggle with creative thinking.  I normally do well on tests since you just have to study for it and you are done with minimal creative thinking. For me to be successful, I follow good habits like, starting to study the unit that the test is about a week  before the day of the test. I also try to find videos over the topic and as well as practice tests and quizzes. I also have weaker classes like English and science.Projects and essays are something I normally do not as well as since i have to be creative. I try to be successful on essays even though I tend to struggle with them. Some good habits I do to improve my essay are, doing a brainstorm/pre-write and using a thesaurus to try to find different words for words that I have used to many times. During this school year, I want to try to break some of my bad habits. Some habits that I would like to break are procrastination on daily assignments, forgetting homework and projects at home, and staying up late on test nights.


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